Out of the Blue Chorus
Diversity and Inclusivity Statment
At Out of the Blue Chorus, we value diversity and believe in the power of bringing all voices together.
We celebrate every individual—whether member, employee, or contractor—regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, marital status, religion, or ability. We aim to create a community where everyone feels empowered to be authentic.
We strive to ensure every person feels valued and respected. We acknowledge that some groups have been historically excluded from the arts, and we are dedicated to making our rehearsals, performances, and events safe and welcoming spaces for all participants, whether you are a singer, audience member, or volunteer.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Open Membership: We welcome all individuals, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, ability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. OOTB Chorus is a choir where everyone can freely express themselves through singing and music. Our diversity enriches our choir and strengthens our community.
Equitable Opportunities: Every OOTB Chorus member has equal access to solo opportunities and all other choir activities. We are committed to fostering an environment where each person’s unique talents are recognized and developed. We support and encourage all members' growth, helping them thrive within the musical community.
Respectful Environment: We promote a culture of respect, kindness, and inclusivity. Every member is valued and heard, and we do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or any form of exclusionary behavior. Our commitment to these principles ensures that everyone in our community feels secure, supported, and respected.
Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to ongoing education and dialogue about diversity, equity, and inclusion. We seek feedback from our members and continuously evaluate our policies and practices to ensure they align with our core values. We always seek ways to improve and better serve our diverse community.